At Battaglia’s Marketplace we take your health seriously and continue taking steps to enhance your safety:
Face coverings are optional
Disinfectant wipes are available at store entrance for customers to wipe down their own cart
Hand sanitizer is available at store entrance and exit
Physical distancing of 2 meters is encouraged
Cashiers serve only one customer at a time with “next in line” remaining well back
Plexiglass shields remain installed at cash registers
We encourage frequent hand washing among our staff
Please remember that if you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms, Covid-19 or otherwise, you should NOT enter the store; if you must enter the store, please wear a properly fitting MASK
Curbside pickup is available to anyone not well enough or comfortable enough to enter the store
Our Store Hours are:
Monday – Sunday
7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Open Simcoe Day (August Long Weekend)
Open August Long Weekend, August 3, 4, 5 regular hours 7am-7pm Happy Holidays!